Thursday, April 12, 2007

Quarterly Top Five - 2nd Quarter 2007

Continuing were we left off last quarter, here are our five most anticipated movies to see this quarter. There is a lot of competition in the theaters this spring, so stick to this list if you don't want to waste your money. As always, click on the movie title to jump to the movie's website for a trailer viewing.

MovieGuy #1:
  1. Spider-Man 3 - Happy to see this movie looking darker and including Venom
  2. Hot Fuzz - Looks like a great police spoof with a lot of over the top craziness
  3. 28 Weeks Later - I am optimistic this survival/horror sequel to 28 Days Later will rock
  4. Knocked Up - Supposedly, this film from the director of 40 Year Old Virgin is one of the funniest films out this spring
  5. Live Free or Die Hard - Yes, the title is horrid, but John McClane still kicks ass
Well, that's it. I am going to try and avoid Shrek 3 and Pirates 3, but I doubt I will be successful. Have fun at the movies this spring, and make sure you leave a comment letting us know your most anticipated movies!


Anonymous said...

I like and want to see numbers: 1, 5 and possibly 2. But why oh why would you not want to see the exciting conclusion to Pirates? What happens to Capt. Jack? and anything with a modern Kiera Knightly is on the list. I will also have to go with Oceans 13 and probably the FFour Silver Sufer even though the first movie wasn't that great. I hear good things about Adam Sandlers movie with the uber hot Jessica Biel. (and his last one Reign Over Me was understatedly good) That's all for now, welcome back guys.

Anonymous said...

I am so tired of the stupid Spiderman movies! They are TERRIBLE! They are all the same also! He and what's her face can't possibly be together, but they get together anyway and then break up again because he can't be with anymore. Make me puke. I think the special effects are pretty lame as well. Looking forward to Hot Fuzz and definately 28 Weeks Later. Don't know anything about the other two.

Movie Guy #1 said...

Quiet woman! TERRIBLE is a good description of your cooking, but not Spider-Man. So there.