Sunday, April 08, 2007

Another Title With: "We're Back!"

Updates have been non-existent lately, huh? Yeah, we know. Real life has interfered once again, and with only one MovieGuy to cover things for all those months burn-out was imminent. Have no fear though, The MovieGuys are back on track.

Even though we had a break, we have still been watching movies! Actually, we have a list of 10+ reviews to post. They are relatively short mini-reviews, not our normal sized ones, but that should help you get on with your day more quickly. To get us ramped up again, we are going to post a new one each day. So stay tuned!

Also, now that MovieGuy#2 is back (am I allowed to tell you that?), he should have some new an interesting content to provide our loyal reader base.

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