Friday, April 20, 2007

Movie Review - Rocky Balboa

Rocky Balboa (4 of 5): After the train wreck that was Rocky V, I was a little nervous to revisit this franchise. Turns out Rocky still has some life left though because this is a pretty good movie. The focus of the film is not on the “big fight” as it is has been in previous installments. Instead, this movie gets back to the roots of the original, with a decent writing and directing effort by Stallone that focuses on an aging Rocky Balboa, his life, family, friends, and unmet goals. The film has some nice inspirational messages, and even though I thought the editing of the boxing match at the end left something to be desired, I was happy with the overall ending and the movie as a whole. In my mind, this movie definitely replaces the fifth film as the real conclusion to the Rocky saga.

If I had to rate the Rocky movies from best to worst, they would fall in place like this:
  1. Rocky - "Yo, Adrian!"
  2. Rocky II - "Ya, lousy bum!"
  3. Rocky Balboa - "Let's start buildin some hurtin bombs!"
  4. Rocky IV - "I vill break you!"
  5. Rocky III - "I pity the foo!"
  6. Rocky V - "Time to put some hustle behind this muscle!"
What do you think?


Movie Guy #2 said...

Damn it, you are stealing my thunder; I just sat down to review this movie. I also would have given it a 4 out of 5.

I will say this though. The Rocky franchise is one of my all time favorites. I recently made my wife sit down and watch all of them with me, as she had never seen them.

One complaint: Rocky III is one of the modt inspirational movies I have ever seen. Mick dying, and the whole training sequence with Apollo Creed makes me want to go punch someone in the throat. I can't think of a more hated villian than Clubber Lang, in any movie. It ranks right behind the original Rocky for me.

Movie Guy #1 said...

Hmm, after reading your comment, I think I need to revisit Rocky III. Maybe after that my rankings of the six movies would adjust?

I want you to eat lightening and shit thunder! - Mick

Movie Guy #2 said...

I have the whole boxed-set anthology...I will bring it to you.

Anonymous said...

Movie Guy #2, as your brother I will have to agree and admit the Rocky 3 was a good one. The death of Mick was touching in a sense. This new movie I thought was incredible. I found it touching and was inpressed how they incorporated all the things from Rocky 1 into it. After watching Rocky Balboa I went back and watched part one and was shocked to see all the things that were related. For instance the character "Spider" sitting in Adrians Diner. The start of Rocky 1 has Rocky and Spider fighting.

Overall I think it was a great movie, although I would have given it a 5 out of 5.


Unknown said...

I don't know if you can necessarily rank the Rocky movies. In the entire series there are 2 different genres in my opinion. The character based Rocky film and the boxing based Rocky film. Rocky, and Rocky Balboa I think are more about the character and the boxing is almost a side plot. Rocky 3,4 and 5 are focused on the fighting. Rocky 2 is a bizarre hybrid ... As far as Rocky Balboa, it is the sort of movie you need to see after the first Rocky has incubated in your brain for a decade. They are too similar to be seen back to back and properly appreciate.

Movie Guy #1 said...

Okay Robert, make it complicated then. How would you rank them within each genre?

Movie Guy #2 said...

Jesus....It's Rocky, not quantum physics. I just watched ALL of them within about a 3 week span. You can appreciate them even can notice how they each build upon one another, and most importantly, you can notice the character development in such finer detail. I think all, even 3-6 are filled with character and an overall message than just the absurdity of Rocky's next opponet.

Unknown said...

I'll make it simple. See Rocky 1. Do not see Rocky 5. The rest offer reasonable entertainment value. :)

Movie Guy #1 said...

Hmm, glad we got that settled. Sorry to upset you so much MG#2. Jeesh!

Tee Chess said...

I had watched all series of Rocky and completely disagree with above comment said . I found it to be the most heart touching end to this series.This is a movie that all age group people can watch.
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