UPDATE! (4-16-07): As a movie enthusiast and Netflix fan, I am always looking for new Netflix friends. If you would like to have me as a friend on your Netflix account, just send me an email to p_fish77@hotmail.com using the "invite friends" feature in your Netflix account. I look forward to hearing from you!
MovieGuy #1
“Why don’t you have a Netflix account?” This is the question I keep asking all of my friends. I joined Netflix almost one year ago and have never looked back. Simply put, Netflix is awesome! Allow me extol its virtues:
1) No late fees! - Yeah, you can keep the movie as long as you like. But, you probably already new that if you spend any amount of time surfing the web or watching TV – Netflix advertises like crazy.
2) The queue! - Keep all the movies you could ever want to see on one list. No wandering around Blockbuster anymore trying to remember what you wanted to see. Plus, you can go around annoying all your friends by telling them “oh yeah, that movie is on my list”, or “no, I haven’t seen it yet, but it is on my list”. They’ll get so annoyed hearing about your list – it’s great!
3) No postal fees and movies arrive super fast! - All the movies come in a beautiful red envelope and you don’t pay a dime for shipping. Most of the time, I get a new movie about two days after I drop the old one in my mailbox.
4) Multiple plans to choose from! - I use the 3 at a time unlimited plan. This plan allows me to have 3 movies out at one time and I have unlimited rentals a month. There are a variety of plans from which to choose, ranging from $5.99/mo for cheap people, to $47.99/mo for people who still live in their parent's basement.
5) Huge selection of DVDs! - You’ll have access to over 60,000 titles. Sorry, no porn.
Hopefully (overlooking the unavailability of porno) you can now understand some of the greatness of Netflix. If you already have a Netflix account, let me know your username because I really want to be able to use Netflix’s “friend” feature. If you don’t have an account, go sign up for a free trial!
As a huge movie fan I have thought many times about Netflix...Reasons why I am staying with my Blockbuster Movie Pass- $24.99 a month...
1. no late fees either
2. 2 movies at a time
3. I like browsing the isles...it gets me out of the house and a reason to ride the motorcycle.
4. No worry about watching or not watching a film- or forgeting you have it.
5. multible viewings- "rent than rerent the same film...
6. Post date "something to do" Do you wanna get a movie? Lets hold hands and wander the isles.
I feel if I had Netflix - while cheaper. it would confine me to my apartment even more then I am...
I understand for those married parents of toddlers this would be great...but not for me yet.
I love Netflix...it's going to be my first "repurchase" when the summer is over. It was the first one to get knocked off when the summer months started.
Now, that is a good idea PW. Most people probably don't watch as many movies in the summer, so why pay for it? I saw a chart recently of Netflix's monthly revenues and you can see a definite drop in the summer months.
I just joined netflix too. And love it. I'd love to add more friends to my list. So invite me at rmeyer9970@aol.com. Can't wait! My first pick was Derailed and it was dark but i liked it.
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