Thursday, August 03, 2006

Movie Review - Spirited Away

Spirited Away (4 of 5): Spirited Away is a charming little film about a young girl who gets trapped in a spirit realm while trying to save her parents who have been transformed into pigs. This movie was directed by Hayao Miyazaki, an acclaimed Japanese animation director known for many films including Princess Mononoke (which I reviewed last month). The animation in this movie holds to Miyazaki’s style – it is gorgeous, detailed and colorful. At its heart, Spirited Away is a children’s movie, but it succeeds very well in entertaining adults too. This movie is extremely creative and filled with tons of memorable characters, including a witch, a dragon and a giant baby. Don’t let the Japanese style of animation keep you from seeing this film and enjoying what it has to offer.


Jami said...

Doncha hate it when someone turns your family into pigs?

Paperback Writer said...

I found the little girl in this movie to be completely and utterly unsympathetic! I really didn't like her! But I loved the movie!

Movie Guy #1 said...

I agree with you Paperback writer, to a point. It was hard to really feel for her. I kind of overlooked that though because the movie is so creative and fun.

Anonymous said...

come on you crazy movie cats! 9 reviews in the past 30 days. Lets see some more hot movie reviewing action! If nothing else, make it seem like you're working your movie minds hard by reviewing movies you've seen in the past but haven't actually viewed recently! huzzah.


(what's that? family, jobs, and responsibility you say? You're doing this for fun and you don't have any genuine obligation to your readership? feh.)

Anonymous said...

Ok so I forgot my user ID for the website but this is for the last anonymous that posted for this movie. I know these two Movie Guys myself and no offense but isn't it possible that maybe they are doing this for fun? I started my own website and it is just for fun. Are you trying to tell me that these guys should put their "for fun" or "hobby" in front of their jobs, careers, family, everyday lives, and important obligations? Or are you just mad because you have none of those things to worry about?

Once again no offense. (even though I really don't care)

By the way, what does "huzzah" and "feh" mean? Just curious.