From this day forward, I will never EVER buy Fruit of the Loom underwear; not even undershirts.
During the 25 minutes (I shit you not) of commercials and previews I was treated to before Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix last night, a Fruit of the Loom commercial came on that almost sent me over the edge of sanity. It was one of the company's "music video" commercials that I have seen on TV. However, instead of being an easily tuned out 30 seconds long, this one was a whopping five times that at almost 2.5 minutes long! It is probably the worst example I have seen of a commercial playing in front of a movie, and is a perfect representation of my utter hatred and anger of having to sit through this crap before a film starts.
Unfortunately, since I couldn't find it on either YouTube or Google Video, I can't post the utter disgrace of an ad for your viewing pleasure. However, if you are interested in getting a taste of the pain and misery you'll soon be treated to in your local multiplex, check out the Fruit of the Loom website. The music video in question is called "Apple of My Eye".
Ten commercials and five previews added 25 minutes to the run time of Harry Potter Last night. This madness must end!
Amen! After paying $7-10 for a movie ticket, the last thing I want to see is commercials...it just boils down to pure greed.
If you want to make it worth my while, show a rerun of "The Office" instead!!
Double Amen! The worst part is that Fruit products are terrible - poor quality and 3 arm shirts just give me the show.
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