Friday, July 13, 2007

Happy Friday the 13th

Outside of Halloween and Flag Day, this is my favorite holiday. Wait, I'm being told it's not in fact a holiday. Regardless, this date always begs the never ending question: Who would win in a real battle for supremacy? Jason certainly has the longevity, but he has never had a DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince sing a song about him. My vote is for Jason. Freddy can't really hurt you until you sleep, and I am guessing that since Jason Vorhees is technically dead, and resides mostly at the bottom of Crystal Lake, that he doesn't actually sleep. I swear to god, if some creepy, virgin fanboy emails me on a technicality regarding when Freddy Krueger can kill during waking hours....
So go forth and celebrate. I like to lurk around in the woods waiting for horny teenagers to wander too far from camp. When I do it on Friday the 13th, it seems more natural.


Movie Guy #1 said...

Jason would totally win. He is stronger and has more reach with his machete. Chop off Freddy's hand and he is fucked without that glove.

Wasn't this debate settled in a Freddy v. Jason movie? I never saw it.

Freddy vs. Jason Photo said...

This movie is so nice that I watched it multiple times in theater when it was released. To me this movie was unbelievable. I would love to even buy a DVD of this movie soon.