Thankfully, I wasn’t totally let down by this film. Actually, this movie was better than I was expecting. Smokin’ Aces is one of those ultra-stylistic, large cast, action shoot ‘em ups that directors like Quentin Tarantino and Guy Ritchie have made popular. However, it really only feels like what would be left on the cutting room floor of a Quentin Tarantino or Guy Ritchie film. Sure, you can make a movie out of it, and it’ll be entertaining, but it’s not great because all the really great scenes have already been used.
After a questionable first few minutes of actors seeming to act WAAY to cool and many character introductions complete with super-cool “stop the movie and splash the name of the character on the screen” effects, Smokin’ Aces settles down into a watchable groove. Characters do their thing, come and go, and present the story with a fluidness that can only be offered by the excellent editing this film provides to such a long character list. Unexpectedly, you get to know each character a little and even start to sympathize some with some. Don’t get too attached though because bullets start flyin’ and people start dyin’. Just what you expect!
The performances are certainly competent in this film. Alicia Keys shows some talent and Andy Garcia plays the same stoned face character he did in Ocean’s 11 (only this time with a crappy accent). Jeremy Pivens produces some surprisingly emotional scenes and Ben Affleck simply succeeds in not annoying the crap out of me. The two actors that get the most screen time seem to be Ray Liota and Ryan Reynolds. Ray Liota does a fine job and gives a realistic performance. Ryan Reynolds actually has to hold up a lot of this movie and in that regard he succeeds. His tough guy “I have facial hair now which means I am older and not a funny actor anymore” image works much more in this movie than it did in the abortion of a film that was Blade Trinity.
All in all, this is a fun movie. It is a little overly long, kind of busy, and I don’t particularly like the melodramatic and fairly predictable ending, but if you overlook those aspects I think there is some fun and entertainment to be had watching this flick. Bullets definitely fly, chaos ensues and there are some surprises along the way, so make sure you are in the mood for action when you rent Smokin’ Aces.
1 comment:
The title is unappealing but your review about this movie is pretty exciting. I will probably decide to give a try to this movie and will try to find this movie online.
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