Thursday, July 12, 2007

Rant - The Summer of Threequels

For anybody paying attention, I think you’ll agree that there has been an obnoxious amount of sequels hitting theatres this spring and summer – mostly part 3s, or as I like to call them: Threequels (no, I did not coin the term).

We have already seen releases of threequels to Ocean’s 11, Spider-Man, Shrek, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Rest assured there is still more on the way. What’s the deal with all these threequels you ask? Well, most studios consider them a guaranteed payday since these films continue established franchises that have already performed very well at the box-office. Beyond that, I have to speculate. One thing I do know for sure though is that threequels have a remarkable history of sucking ass and de-railing their previously successful movie franchises. Take a look at some examples:

Jaws 3…SUCKED! Shrek 3…BLEW! X-Men 3…AWFUL! Spider-Man 3…LAME! Terminator 3…LICKED IT! Batman 3…CRAP! Beverly Hills Cop 3…TERRIBLE! Rambo 3…DEAR GOD! Godfather 3…SPARE US! Superman 3…FUGLY! Matrix 2 & 3 (written and filmed at same time)…HORRIBLE! Alien 3… DISASTER!

All of these movie franchises, and so many more, have had undeniably good first and second movies, followed by a shitty threequel. I am sure you can come up with your own examples as well. Go ahead… So, are we seeing a pattern here? I sure am. But why must the threequel so often be doomed to failure?

I think a lot of these movie franchises suffered because, as their popularity grew, too many people within the industry (writers, producers, studio execs, etc.) began to try to affiliate themselves with these money making movies. As a result, too many people try to have a say in the movie and end up watering down what made the first and second movies great. Just look at Spider-Man 3. Director Sam Raimi has been quoted as saying he hates Venom and did not want to use him in the movie. However, studio executives forced him to cater to fanboy demands and we were treated to a bloated film with too many story lines and characters.

Additionally, expanding budgets of each consecutive movie makes wasting time and money a lot easier and encourages crap writing, performances, etc. just so a quick paycheck can be collected. The Matrix sequels are a great example. Part 2 and 3 (filmed together) had one of the largest budgets of their time – they built a two mile strip of fake interstate at a cost of $2.5 million for god’s sake! What did all that money and concrete produce? Two crappy movies that feel like a rushed departure from the perfection created in the first.

Finally, I think that these threequel franchises have a tendency to suck the life out of the creative talent behind them. Writers, directors and even actors can spend up to a year or more working on each film. Picture doing that for three movies in a row and that can easily be five years of your life, depending on the production pace. Think about it: writer/producer/director George Lucas spent around 10 years producing the three Star Wars prequels! Who wants to spend five years or more of their life directing the same movie over and over again, only this time making it bigger, louder and faster? Usually what happens is that creative talent that made the first two movies great bails out on the third, handing the reins over to a people who have no clue and no love for the original material. This is precisely the path to suckville that X-Men, Terminator and Batman took.

We are even starting to see more planned threequels now. I think Back to the Future may have started this trend, and it has gained momentum with sequels to The Matrix, Pirates of the Caribbean and Lord of the Rings all filming their second and third movies at the same time. This saves the studios money through economies of scale, increases turn-around time and reduces burn-out of the creative talent. I imagine with the success of The Transformers that a similar approach will be taken with its sequels in hopes of releases in 2009 and 2010; and remember, we already know that Shrek 4 & 5 are currently in pre-production.

As we can see, just depending on sequels as a sure bet does not have a good performance track record. Its time for Hollywood to come to the realization that fresh talent and creative writing and ideas need to be injected into the studio system more often. Otherwise, each year we are going to be treated to more and more sequels of consistently degrading quality - like the planned sure fire hits of The Mummy 3 and Fantastic Four 3.

Anyway, I need to go mark my calendar for the threequel releases of Rush Hour, The Bourne Identity and Resident Evil; all coming out later this year!!

What other crappy threequels can you think of? Go ahead, share them in our comments section.

UPDATE!! (7/16/07) - Speaking of sequels, Variety has a nice article that talks about a variety (heh heh) of films coming out through 2010. Some sequels, but not tons of them! There is hope! Check out the article HERE


Anonymous said...

Die Hard 3 was good, but not as good as 1 & 2.

Indiana Jones 3 was better than 2, but not 1.

American Pie 3, please.

The Vacation series was one that 3 was the best. Christmas Vacation is a classic. It was 4 that sucked.

Anonymous said...

randy says

the good the bad and the ugly.


totally a 5 star movie, you nutters.


Movie Guy #2 said...

Despite what MG #1 thinks; there is one stark contrast to the trend of gradual decay within sequels.

The Poltergeist series progressively got scarier to me. Poltergeist 3 played heavily on the characters reflections in a mirror behaving differently than the original subject. That scares the shit out of me. Horror is very subjective though, that probably doesn't scare everyone.

The Exorcist was the same way. The original was hands down the scariest movie EVER. Exorcist 2 was an abortion that lived. Exorcist 3 had it's moments and Exorcist 4 (prequel) could have been scrapped at the drawing board.

Movie Guy #1 said...


Post your comments where they belong man! :) GBU is a four star film. There are some boring parts and it is overly long. Overall, I can't give it a five because I was not completely engaged the entire movie.

By the way, just because a movie is designated as a "classic" doesn't mean it is automatically a five star film. I think I remember you giving me a hard time about my four star review of The Great Escape too! :) Bahh! That one was too long too with a tacked on ending that didn't fit the tone and pace of the rest of the film.

Anyway, glad to hear from ya! You need to post comments more often. Get Mona on here too! :) Take care and congrats on your marriage!

Movie Guy #1 said...


You're crazy, Poltergeist 3 was terrible and should be categorized as a shitty threequel.

I do agree with you on your Exorcist assessment though.

Anonymous said...

i don't care what any of you nutt lickers have to say, Rocky III is a great film. all of the Rocky's kicked ass (with the exception of V - even i am ashamed of that one). i think all of the lazy, non-creative salad tosser's in hollywood could learn something from the Rocky's. MG#1 you should go join those salad tosser's for not doing your homework on the "threequels". you cannot lump Rocky III into this same category.

Movie Guy #1 said...

Oh! Rocky III... as in the Rocky III that I never once mentioned in the article?! Yeah, I can see how you would get so upset about that.

Read the article next time you twat.

Anonymous said...

I think ranting about a third movie in a series is silly. Sure there are a lot of stinkers, but there are a lot of good ones to. Good the Bad and the Ugly as Randy pointed out is an amazing FIVE star! ;) Also good third movies are Lord of the Rings 3, Pirates 3 (if you liked the first 2, it is more of the same), Evil Dead 3 (Army of Darkness), Star Wars 3, and Indiana Jones 3 are all ones I can think of off the top of my head. Since so many movies are crap, I would say the hit or miss rate with a third movie in a trilogy is comparable.

Movie Guy #2 said...

Heh-Heh, Nut Lickers, that's great. Is that you Eli Roth? Regardless, Rocky III is the best Rocky.

The point is MOST movie series get worse as the franchise progresses. There are EXCEPTIONS to the rule by by in large, multiple sequels equals garbage.

Also not mentioned: Problem Child 3. It ruined the already awesome franchise.

Movie Guy #1 said...

I wish they would make a Drop Dead Fred sequel and threequel. That'd be so awesome!