Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Movie Review - United 93

United 93 (5 of 5): A tale of the ill-fated Flight 93 that crashed in a PA field on 9-11. We have all heard the heroic stories regarding the flight, and it's passengers, and imagined what it must have been like, and theorized on what we might have done in the situation. This movie makes no excuses, or political statements whatsoever. Simply a picture, and story of all the events that took place on the day of Sept. 11. In fact I became very angry watching it, seeing that the whole situation could have been avoided if it had not been for some serious military, FAA, and airline executive errors. Thankfully, relatively unknown actors were used in the portrayal of the story. At times it is hard to watch, from an emotional level, and due to the fact that ocassionally, the picture shakes like "The Blair Witch Project" and can make you a little queazy. The film is incredibly powerful, and serves as a stark reminder that there are a a lot of people in this world who would like to kill us all.

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