Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Movie Review - Grandma's Boy

Grandmas Boy (3 of 5): If you are into juvenile, gross-out humor in the same tradition as "Waiting" and "The 40 Year Old Virgin" this movie will be right up your alley. I thought it was hillarious. The movie revolves around a 30 + year old video game programmer who has been evicted from his apartment and is forced to move in with his grandmother and her 2 elderly (1 is a basketcase, the other a whore) roomates, while upholding his stoner, partying lifestyle. His workplace dynamic is very relatable as he is the oldest "geek" at the company in a sea of younger video game enthusiasts and one truly creepy prodigy. It is a lot of the same cast from films like Big Daddy and Happy Gilmore. Fortunately Adam Sandler does not make a cameo appearance.


Jami said...

I liked this more than I expected to, also. Working in software design, I enjoyed the way it almost lovingly mocked the cool-geek culture.

Anonymous said...

Jim, you were right my friend. This was right up my alley. This movie was hillarious. I think I'll buy it.