I first noticed this annoyance several years back while watching Lord of the Rings in the theatre. 2 hours into the movie I became increasingly aware of the sumo-like woman behind me eating her popcorn with her mouth wide open. No matter how hard I tried to ignore it, all I could hear was this woman chewing with her mouth open. After several failed attempts to get her to remember that she was in public, not a barn, I finally turned around and asked her to close her mouth while she eats that 86 oz. bucket of popcorn. Not surprisingly, she was offended, as are all of the inconsiderate douchebags at the theatre these days.
It begs the question: do these people eat like slobs at home? Or do they save these glutton like tendencies for public viewing? Don't get me wrong, I completely condone buying massive amounts of overpriced movie theatre junk food and stuffing myself until naseau sets in; but lets all adhere to the fundamental, polite eating habits that should have been committed to memory back in grade school.
While we are on the topic of eating at the movies, lets go over one other point: Please open all your Twizzler, Milk Duds, Sour Patch Kids, Doritos, or whatever other food you cleverly managed to smuggle into the theatre BEFORE THE MOVIE BEGINS! You probably think you are being quiet and polite by opening your jumbo size bag of pork rinds a centimeter or so at a time, but I hear you. Just open them before hand, all at once, we both know you can't wait to dig your lard ass into all that food.
One final point: We all know that the pre-pubescent acne cursed teenagers that work there are not going to clean the theatre between showtimes, if ever. You need to pick up your own mess, your mother doesn't work there. Or maybe she does, but she's probably too busy figuring out where she went wrong with you.
Out of all these rants and different things about movies I am shocked that you have not brought up the "not gay seat".
In time...In time. This is only complaint #3
My most recent experience with this issue was when the guy behind me first scarfed down a bag of popcorn and then proceeded to fold his bag into the smallest square he possibly could. I think he folded that bag a hundred times - each fold crinkling louder than the last.
Seriously, though, do we really need the full meal at the movie theatre? I love a nice basket of chicken fingers, fries and all as much as the next girl, but if you need to spread out to three seats to fit it all, and still are going to end up spilling most of it, just get the bathtub-sized bucket of popcorn and call it lunch, k?
I do have to give props to the woman we saw once who'd clearly brought her daughter and all her little friends as a treat. She had the Giant Sized Popcorn and Bucket'o'Cola - out of her purse came little bowls and the cups with lids and straws - she divided up said huge portions among the kiddies and then went back for the free refills they assume you'll never get.
I haven't really noticed this problem, but I don't go to as many movies as you guys. Love the picture of the kids.
I missed this post when it came out...just to add...I hate- get that HATE the fact the those acne cursed kids that work the concession stand don't seem to think about movie start times and take longer to fill a bag of popcorn or grab a bottle of water then entire LOTR trilogy. It's not that hard of a job...Pick up the past gubber!! I got to find a seat and take a piss before the show!!
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