As promised the 2 Movie Guys will be taking to time explore all the annoying and rude behaviors exhibited by the general public, or at least by every moron that sits within a 15 ft. radius of me.
Today's topic asks the question, "Why the hell are you sitting next to me?" Unless it is opening weekend, and you are too excited, or too stupid to stay away from a Friday night opening, you have the right to expect that people don't sit directly in front or behind you! It's really sad that we even have to point out how incredibly rude and bothersome this is. If I get to the theatre first, I should get a nice, open sound barrier around me. There are plenty of other seats, I don't want your bulbous head in front of me, and I don't want to have you breathing down my neck.
One way to alleviate this problem is to bring extra clothes. A jacket, sweatshirt, or soiled blanket from your garage placed in the surrounding seats is a great way to say"These seats are taken, go creep someone else out." You can also use your $20 worth of snacks you just bought, or possibly your children, who honestly shouldn't be there in anyway.
This all may sound a little extreme, but honestly, today's movie-going experience is too expensive to be ruined by people who shouldn't be allowed out of the house in the first place. (See above picture......)
you're going straight to hell for that one
ok sorry-that was a total typo-the above comment is not from wifeofmovieguy#2-it's from wifeofmovieguy#1-and it wasn't a freudian slip either-sorry to disappoint you movie guy #2 :(
I've also found it helpful to load up on Mexican, Thai and other spicy foods during the 24 hours or so before the movie. Then, arrive to the movie, unwashed, about 20 minutes before it starts. Trust me, nobody is going to sit by your stanky ass now.
Also, senior citizens need to pass a licensing test to go, just like they do for driving. At several movies I've been to the past year, old people have been near me, either loudly complaining that they don't "get" it OR, my personal favorite, giving each other a play-by-play of THE MOVIE WE'RE ALL WATCHING. "That's the guy from before. He said 'Bob didn't make it' That's funny, see? Oh, now he's wearing a hat" Grrrrrrr.
I know it's a little out of season for this, but wifeofmovieguy#2, will you be my valentine.
ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG, never mind the above comment. I really need to quit.
Nicely put Matt. All people in general, not just at the Movie Theatre should never sit near me.
Don't pee in the urinal next to me
THANK YOU!! You movie guys are great. I think this should be sent to all major cities newpapers and plastered on the front page!!
If you chew tobacco and spit in a cup people tend to move away also...just a little tip! Hey it only says NO SMOKING! (just don't spill the cup, and watch which one is the soda and which is the spitter!...GROSS! haha
No one likes to go see a movie with me because I get so pissed off at all the dumb a** people that tend to go to every movie I see. Seriously, can't you get to the movie before it starts and not stand next to me why you look for a seat or climb over me why I'm trying to watch the show. Also open your fu**ing licorice before the movie starts.
I am somewhat tall at 6'5". If someone sits behind me at a movie and is annoying me instead of slouching in my seat like I usually do at the movies I just sit as tall as I can until they have to move to another location. If I can't enjoy the movie neither can they.
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