Superman Returns (4 of 5): Being a big fan of the original Superman franchise I was very curious to see how this movie would compare to the originals. While watching I began to think "who cares"? This movie should be viewed and judged on it's own merit, not against it's previous installments. It's not as if any of the same cast is starring, nor the same producer. It's been five years since the Man of Steel has been seen on Earth, and after returning from a galactic quest to find the remnants of his home planet of Krypton, he returns to an Earth that no longer needs and depends on him. Even his loved Lois Lane has moved on, with a husband and a
five year old son. Superman Returns is a beautiful movie, with a lot of heart and emotion. The effects were very engrossing, and Routh (Superman) really captures the bumbling, clumsiness of Clark Kent. It was uncanny how much he resembled Reeves version of Kent. The only thing distracting me from the movie, (aside from the dumbasses behind me; don't worry, they will be dealt with in time) was Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor. Spacey's Luthor was much more diabolical and evil. I really missed Gene Hackman's Luthor and the comedy that he brought to the franchise. Also, I really would have liked to see Parker Posey as Lois Lane; she is a better actress and even looks like Lois Lane. Overall, I think this movie did the franchise justice, and I look forward to the re-emergence of this comic book icon.
Like you, I enjoyed the original Superman movies (well, the first two at least) a lot. However, I have to disagree about your comments on Lex Luthor. I don't think he was villanous enough in the originals. Luthor is supposed to be one of Superman's ultimate foes. Instead, the comedy in his scenes made him look like a bumbling idiot most of the time. Even though I hear Luthor's plan is rather dumb in the new movie, I am interested to see Spacey's more mature take on the character.
Maybe I just have too hard of a time disconnecting from the originals, but I like the comic relief the former Lex Luthor provided. Hackman was still sinister...just in a slimy, weasel-like way. Yes, Luthors diabolical plan is kind of ridiculous, but he was a bit too evil and murderous for me. Plus, there was no Ned Beatty in this one so....
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