Guys, if you are like us, at some point of time with your girlfriend, or wife you have had to sit through a Chick Flick. We all know what these are; they usually star Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts, Sarah Jessica Parker, or some other kind of no talent ass-clown with shallow plot lines involving why men are such losers and my personal favorite; secrets involving sisterhood. No offense to the lovely women readers; but these movies blow.
However, once in a while this genre of movie produces a quality film that does not make guys feel like dirt, and is worth viewing. Especially if you need to plan a "special" night involving letting her pick the movie so you can see the newest blockbuster superhero movie that she has no interest in. It's all about compromise boys.
We here at 2 Movie Guys would like to give you our top 10 Chick Flick picks. (We are each doing 5 because....well, it's way too difficult to come up with 10 each)
Movie Guy #1 says:
1. The Princess Bride
2. Ghost
3. Amelie
4. The Color Purple
5. A League of Their Own
Movie Guy #2 says:
1. Sweet November
2. The Notebook (if your eyes don't tear up during this one, you have no soul)
3. Love Actually
4. Can't Buy Me Love
5. Dirty Dancing (who doesn't love Patrick Swayze?)
There you have it boys. If you have to subject yourself to these kind of movies, these are the ones to go for. So next time you are planning a nice romantic evening in front of the DVD player, run on down to the nearest video store and pick up one of these winners; your girl deserves it for putting up with you.
As a non-girly girl, I'm going to have to agree with you on almost all of this, though I think I'm going to have to take a bit of exception with calling The Color Purple a "chick flick" I don't really have a good argument for this other than, I don't think I'd use that phrase to describe that movie. Princess Bride totally rocks, though, one of the best movies ever.
Have either of you two seen A Lot Like Love? Not too chicky, and pretty not bad all around. I'd put that one on the list before Ghost. Good lord, I hate that movie. ;)
Geesh, I am getting greif over my picks already! This was a tough assignment for me. Unlike MovieGuy #2, I usually am not forced to watch chick flicks very often, if ever. Therefore, some of my picks, like The Color Purple and Ghost, are rather old. Still though, I don't have to feel like a fag admitting I watched them. A chick-flick list that maintains some element of manliness was the goal, and I think I met that challenge.
No, no, lets explore this more. The fact that Ghost is older doesn't matter, but you actually liked it? Also, The Color Purple is about slavery right? Do chick dig plantation era slavery stories?
I think I saw A Lot Like Love...who is in it?
Ok I remember A Lot Like Love. Ashton Kutcher is an idiot, so I can't really put it on there. I'm sure we will explore this later, but I have a difficult time enjoying movies with any actor that I dislike in it.
Yeah, as a matter of fact I remember liking Ghost. It was a cool and somewhat unique story for the time.
Okay Movie Guy #2, you want to "explore" this a little more? Here's what I think. I think, by the looks of my list, I do a much better job of asserting myself in my relationship to make sure I do not have to watch crappy chick flicks. Alternatively, your list seems to in-dick-ate you just bend over and take it up the ass. I mean, The Notebook and Dirty Dancing? Why not add Grease?! :)
So much animosity! I just wanted to toss out that if "princess bride" can legitimately count as a chick flick, we can broaden our choices out to say ...
Edward Scissorhands and Big Fish, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, the graduate, spartacus, casablanca . . .
All of these movies are ultimately tales of romance, between two people (do i have to specify a man and a woman?)
This seems a little disingenuous though. MG1 might make fun of MG2 for it, but i think MG2 is in the spirit of this list more - what are movies that on their surface appear to be crappy stereotypical chick flicks, but when you smear the poop away there is something worthwhile left.
I'd like to throw out:
When Harry Met Sally
annie hall
Roman Holiday
- MG2, most of your list focuses on rom-drams, romantic dramas. What is your stance on semi-crappy romantic-comedy's, ala pretty woman and overboard (And other gary marshal movies, cause thats basically all he did).
Here is how I look at it. When I think of a "chick flick" I think of a movie that is solely intended for a female audience. As Randy pointed out these movies on the surface appear to be sappy love movies but end up surprising you with an actual good, well written story with enough soul to make you like it.
I liked Princess Bride too, however there were elements in that movie to appeal to guys. Monsters, sword fighting, and Andre the Giant. So all though it was a fairy tale about a was partially made for guys also.
On my list of 5, I feel like with the exception of "Can't Buy Me Love" which sort of falls into the classification of 80's movie that both sexes in my generation grew up on; all movies on my list were exclusively meant for women, but ended up being pretty decent movies.
I kind of liked Ghost also, but because it was the first movie I actually "made-out (with a girl) during.
If you enjoy chick flick's with themes like racism, bigotry, and forcible rape as in "The Color Purple", you might also want to check out "Amistad" "Roots", and "Deliverance".
I guess I have no soul-I didn't tear up at the notebook at all and didn't really like all that much :p
Also, movieguy#1-"asserting yourself in your relationship?"-boy that's a load of crap. You'd watch them if I was brainless enough to actually want to watch movies like that :)
I guess I misinterpreted the assignment. Like I said earlier, my problem is that I am not often forced to watch chick flick movies. I guess that is why my picks are so borderline. Good stuff though. We need to do another TOP 10 soon.
How can ANYONE not like Princess Bride??? It has EVERYTHING!! Also, I highly recommend the book.
Never go in against a Sicilian when DEATH in on the line, Ha ha ha ha ha ha a-
just watched moonstruck. that was a pretty good chickflick.
princess bride being on WE making it a chick flick? bah, i veto that - There is the broad (heh heh, broad) list of "Movies that Women Find Entertaining" of which chick flix are only a small subset.
You know what else is getting played on WE this week?
Back to the future
Home Alone 3 (wtf?!)
Looking over there monthly schedule (heh) there are a couple other movies to add to the list but ... sweet god, what is this channel?! All they do is show 4 hour blocks of dharma and greg, booked on either end by back to the future and The Birdcage.
The WE channel makes randy want to cry :(
Anyways, Shenanigans on Princess Bride being a chick flick just because it was aired on WE
Was 'Jerry Maguire' not included because it's not a chick flick or did neither of you liked it that much? I own that film and love it, but it has chick flick elements. But then there is football, so there's that.
Kudos on 'Can't Buy Me Love'. That is one of my favorite guilty pleasure movies.
Ronald: "You remember? You broke your arm. Me and Kenny carried you home..."
Kenneth: "And you cried the whole way."
Ronald: "We were all friends back then. Your side! My side! It's all bullshit! It's tough enough just being yourself!"
(Ha! I just typed all that from memory.)
Ok as a man that played football in college...rides motorcycle...and chews tobacco, I can say that I like "chick flicks" I agree with M.G.#2 with The Notebook...and Love Actually is one of my favorite films...If you don't tear up at least 3 times during that one you have a stone my 2 cents in no order:
Fools Rush In
Sleepless in Seatle
Notting Hill- come on the nobody gets the movie star!! Where is keira knightly?
For Love of the Game
How to Lose a Guy...
and what about Castaway, All the Pretty Horses, A Beautiful Mind, and... Closer?
Some of these just made me tear up...Sports movies do that, Miracle, The Natural!
Guys remember that most chick flicks have a really hot chick in just watch might learn something.
Nice. Patrick D, impressive movie quoting. I am a big fan of that. Anyone want to hear the entire Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candle or any National Lampoons Vacation dialogue?
Stills, where is your blog? I wasn't able to link to it. Glad you are digging the site. Make sure to pass it on to all your gifted students as required reading this year.
Okay, well, lemme say first that I hate Ashton Kuther, and I adore "A Lot Like Love". I was shocked, too -- I figured I was going to hate it. Give it a try, you might like it.
Oh, and her name wasn't really Baby -- it was Frances, for the first woman on the Supreme Court -- so we can't disqualify "Dirty Dancing" for that reason alone.
Oh I saw "A Lot Like Love", but I was just a little distracted because of Ashton Kutcher. It wasn't a bad movie, but something I could sit through just to watch my next theatre pick.
Your awesome wife of movie guy #1. Way to stand up for yourself.
Are you guys forgetting Step-Mom? Tear jeker. I recently watched the family stone and that was a good one. It made me cry.
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