Friday, June 08, 2007

Rant - Paris & The Media

I have just about reached a boiling point with this country and the crap media we choose to indulge ourselves with on a daily basis. Yes, I am talking about the current media coverage of the disgrace of a human being, the slime of a life form, the utter worthless sack of skin and bones that is Paris Hilton.

Why in the hell is this chick news?? This is almost as bad as the recent (and still ongoing) Anna Nichole Smith fiasco. Every time I have walked by the TV in my lobby at work over the past two days FOX News' talking heads are discussing Paris Hilton and her early release from jail. It makes me sick.

If anything about this story is news it is that the Los Angeles County Sheriff officials have committed a grievous error by freeing her early and putting her under house arrest to serve the rest of her sentence. Honestly, has this ever happened in the history of the U.S. criminal justice system? If our incarcerated killers get sick like Paris will they get released? I don't think so. It is a terrible double standard that only serves to tarnish the criminal justice system of this country.

People! Get a grip! There are real serious problems in this country and the world that we all need to solve together. How are we supposed to rally around them if our media outlets pour this shit down our throats instead of focusing on the real issues? Now, I know not all media outlets are to blame, but the ones who pander this garbage need to be held accountable. Stop giving them viewership (ratings) when they try and turn this entertainment into news. Life is not a reality TV show! If you stop watching it, then FOX News, et. al will loose advertising dollars and start focusing on topics of importance. If they don't change, then maybe they will go off the air. Who knows, that might even be better.

I don't know about you, but can't wait for Fox's next season of The Simple Life: House Arrest. Don't laugh - you know it is coming.


Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is Paris getting a fair deal? I think the media has put too much pressure on the courts to NOT give her "star" treatment... What is the sentence for a "normal" person for the same crime? But yes can we please, please, please NOT report this on national news stations.

Movie Guy #2 said...

Since she is a waste of perfectly good oxygen, and the world would be better off without her...I don't even know what she was in trouble for to begin with. DUI or something?

Movie Guy #1 said...

yeah, it was related to a DUI, or multiple DUIs (?). I think she missed some court appearances or violated some probationary term.