Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Rant - Would It Kill You To Clean The Bathrooms?

Call me crazy, but am I the only one who finds it remarkable that my $8.00 movie ticket does not include an attempt at keeping the bathroom somewhat clean? Every time I step foot in these places, the bathroom stalls look like a fresh murder scene. I am so thankful that I have bowels that refuse to evacuate themselves in a public place; especially one so hideous.

Seriously, teenagers will do anything for a regular paycheck, have one of them go in with some Clorox and a mop, and get rid of some of the DNA that covers the walls and sinks. While you are at it, how about making your employees take 5 minutes out of their socializing about who is dating this week's school whore; and go pick up some of the garbage I have to wade through to get to my bacteria-ridden theatre seat?

So next time you are at the local movie theatre, feel free to complain to the theatre manager about the condition of the facility, and thank him for the raging case of herpes you just contracted from the toilet seat. Just because this guy doesn't care what the bathroom looks like, it doesn't mean you do.

1 comment:

Movie Guy #1 said...

I especially love the bathrooms that force you to stand in other men's piss while you use the urinal. Is it that hard to piss on the urinal cake and not on the floor? Is it that hard to mop up the floor once in awhile?