Friday, August 25, 2006

Rant - Censor Deez!

Why is it that almost every new comedy and horror film released on DVD these days is UNCENSORED? When did this heinous act start? Personally, I find it kind of annoying; especially since most of the time very little substantial change is made from the theatrical release. Usually, all that is added in is expletives, T&A (not that this is a bad thing), or more torture scenes (when did torture become horror?). It's my opinion that movies will sell on DVD just fine based on their own merit. If its a good movie, it should sell well on DVD; if not it probably shouldn't have been made in the first place. Why ruin good movie, or make a crappy movie worse, by putting scenes back in that were originally taken out? In most cases those scenes were taken out for good reason - because they sucked and added nothing to the narrative!

However, based on DVD sales of UNCENSORED movies, I may be in the minority on this opinion. Some marketing study out there must have convinced the studios that it is more lucrative to write "UNCENSORED", "UN-RATED", or the all mighty "UNCENSORED & UNRATED" in big bold letters on the DVD case, otherwise I fail to see why its done. Am I missing something, or is this practice just used to trick consumers into thinking they are getting more for their money? Oh, and has anybody actually bought an UNCENSORED labeled DVD that was better than the theatrical release? I haven't.


Coach Z said...

I completely agree with this show how much of a perv. we- should I say I- can be...I rented The Girl Next Door...with the girl from the tv show 24, and Old School. Now this movie was originally rated PG-13. When I saw "unrated" version on the packaging I was excited to see the hot girl...But of course nothing, and I'm not even sure what was "unrated about it" so I say this is faulse advertising.

Coach Z said...

Another point is that when I was growing up in the late 80's and early 90's anything that said "UNRATED" was so because of strong sexual content. Not because they added some F words to a PG-13 movie. My question is how come Tarantino movies arn't "Unrated" from the begining?

Coach Z said...

What happened to you guys?

sorry about the perv. post!