Monday, July 24, 2006

Movie Review - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (3 of 5): Yaaar, matey! I got a chance to see Dead Man’s Chest over the weekend and I enjoyed it. This movie defines the “summer popcorn flick” genre. It’s mindless fun and is everything you expect, just more of it. You get more Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow; more swashbuckling and sword fighting; more ridiculous, but fun, action sequences; more brilliantly computer generated pirates; and the return of just about every character from the first movie. Unfortunately, all this “more” makes for a very long film. Pirates clocks in at around 150 minutes, which felt about 40 minutes too long to me. However, if you like pirates (who doesn’t?), and can look beyond its somewhat pretentious length, you’ll find a fun and enjoyable movie experience with superb and entertaining special effects.


Jami said...

I enjoyed it, too. It wasn't quite as good as the first one, a little less funny, a little less oomph, I guess, but I totally, totally dug the ending - Best. Ending. Ever. Also, and you won't believe this, I was in a sold out theatre, kids in front of and behind me, adults on both sides, and I didn't have to SHUUUUUSSHHHHHHH anyone! Not even throw a dirty look! I did think it was a little rough for some of the smaller kids there - it's rated PG13 for a reason, ya know.

Coach Z said...

I thought this was one of the best movies of the year! All though I usually don't like the CGI the Pirates in both these films are the best CGI characters on film ever! Great FUN!