The wait is over...Although it has been nearly two years since there has been any activity, or new material on our beloved site, we have deemed ourselves ready to get the creative juices flowing. That sounded grosser than it meant to be.
That being said, in addition to movie reviews and postings about things that piss us off about the overall theater-going experience; we are branching out. In the future, we plan on introducing video game reviews, general observations about society, music debates (not necessarily confined to "Why Kanye West needs to shut the fuck-up) and a few other surprises.
So, hopefully, this time it sticks. Bookmark the site, tell your friends, myspace and facebook the hell out of it so that we can get some entertaining conversation going. Please feel free to add any suggestions or comments about the sites direction, and what you would like to see. Or, if you would like be a guest writer from time to time, let us know. We will say no, but seriously, let us know.
-Movie Guys
Yey! We're back!
I don't get the picture. Is this a Seinfeld reference to when Newman catches the sewing machine under his postal delivery truck and starts the road on fire?
If so, well done - very subtle.
You spelled "Yey" kind of gay...
I think those motivational posters are funny as hell. They all say something incredibly witty. However, this one is so random, and there is so much crap going on in it, the narrator can't come up with anything. Wait....
Hi! Glad to hear you're back.
The picture clearly is saying that if you have enough patience, your prom date will rescue your sewing machine from the terrible UPS accident. Either that or if you waited too long to find a prom date, you're going to end up with the dork who thought the sewing machine was better than a corsage and couldn't get a limo, and so stole, then accidentally wrecked the UPS truck
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