This is a film about Nick, an emotional pussy who just can't get over being dumped by his hottie - way over his head - girlfriend. How they ever got together in the first place is never explained. He is in a band with two gay guys that are annoyingly self-aware and comfortable with their status as homosexuals, despite the fact that they are teenagers in high school. Nick gets out one night in his beat up Yugo and meets Norah, who is coming off an on-again/off-again relationship with her rocker boyfriend. Nick and Norah then proceed to have quirky conversations while getting to know each other in a series of ridiculous circumstances.
My grievances with this movie are many. First, everybody in this film is so self-aware and confident in their personality that it makes you want to puke. Really, is any teenager actually this comfortable with their identity? This is not a realistic coming of age story in the vein of Breakfast Club or American Graffiti. No, the characters in this story already act and converse as adults, even though their circumstances and actions would dictate otherwise. Second, Nick & Norah's night is never ending. They do and see so much in one night it becomes completely unbelievable and all of this is topped off with forced relationships an unrealistic dialogue. Finally, for a movie with "infinite playlist" in the title one would expect some good music, right? Wrong. I can't name a single memorable song in this movie - the soundtrack was crap.
I can't recommend Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. It's a completely forgettable film and the people who wrote it need a reality check. Also, after this movie, Juno and Paper Heart, Michael Cera really needs to get some new material to work on before he is perpetually typecast as the "loveable dweeb".
Wow, I couldn't agree less. I loved this movie, and I really like the soundtrack. Some things with respect to their maturity and conversations seemed a little forced, but I was entertained. I saw it opening weekend last year and was very pleased. I will agree that Michael Cera needs to get into some different roles though. 4 out of 5.
Big surprise, we disagree... Strange how we are so frequently polarized on our likes and dislikes of movies.
I just feel like there are so many movies out there that do this "class" of film better than Nick & Norah. I mentioned American Graffiti, but there is also Dazed & Confused, Go, Sixteen Candles, etc. They all did a much better job of capturing the feel of what Nick & Norah was trying to portray. Plus, I would say they all have more memorable soundtracks. Seriously, what music do you remember from N&N?
I feel like it is just an updated take on this genre movie. To be fair, all those movies that you are comparing it too are 15 plus years old. They are all great movies, especially Sixteen Candles, American Grafitti, Pretty in Pink etc...however, it seems as if all movies should stand alone. I consider John Hughes 80's movies to be the Holy Grail of teen angst, coming of age movies, but the dynamic presented in these films have simply been updated. It's no longer about hitting the cruise route and sock hop, or a big finale at the homecoming dance; it's about IPOD's, concert venues and ridiculously tight jeans.
And I forgot to mention the soundtrack; although I haven't listened to the actual soundtrack...I was very pleased with the music presented in the movie. I can't specifically quote a certain song I liked, there was a lot of previously unknown music and artists featured in the movie. So, assuming that the music played in the movie is present on the official soundtrack, I plan on purchasing it. It's on my list to preview at the music store next time I am there.
why don't you just go to Amazon and preview it online?
on comment #3, what exactly belongs to the ipod?
Connor...find a better way to ask your question. I don't understand what you mean.
Are you serious? In other words, your punctuation is indication possession as opposed to plurality which would be "iPODs" with no apostrophe.
Connor, you are about to have your first ammendment right revoked.
And your response would have flowed better if it had read: "your punctuation indicates possession..."
Instead, I would argue that you should have me be a proofreader for this Mickey Mouse operation you are running. haha (I have seen other errors.) But, my post was not correct-- it was supposed to say indicating... it posted before i wanted it to, so i wasn't able to fix it. (something wrong with the computer, or it could be the fact that i lack opposable thumbs!)
The movie is directed by Peter Sollett. It is good combination of music, comedy, drama and romance..I loved this movie..
The movie is directed by Peter Sollett. It is good combination of music, comedy, drama and romance..I loved this movie..
Depending on our mood, there are some movies that we'll like and there are some that we won't like. I haven't watched this movie yet, so I can't judge whether it's good or bad. But I can feel that it's a good movie.=)
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