Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Quarterly Top Five - 1st Quarter 2007

You can bet a lot of movies will be released in 2007. Many of them will be great and a lot more will be stinkers. To help you sort through the mess, 2MovieGuys is going to highlight our most anticipated top 5 new releases for each quarter of 2007. By sticking to this list you should have no worries about wasting your hard earned scratch.

Without further ado, here is a list of our most anticipated movie releases over the next three months. In April, we'll revise the list for April-June. Click on the title to go to the movie website and watch a trailer.

MovieGuy #1:
  1. Children of Men
  2. Pan's Labyrinth
  3. The Good Shepherd
  4. 300
  5. Arthur & The Invisibles


Anonymous said...

You have to add "Smokin Aces" to that list! looking forward to that!

Movie Guy #1 said...

yeah, I'll give you that one Maverick. That movie looks pretty good. I had not heard of it, but I checked out the trailer and it looks pretty entertaining. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

What is your professional opinion of the new movie w/Timberlake? I can't stand the music of Mr Boy Band, but the trailers are interesting.

Do you feel it will be worth going to?

I am looking forward to Children of Men

Movie Guy #1 said...

Matt, the movie you are talking about is "Alpha Dog". I have not heard very good things about this flick, and personally, you could not drag me to a Justin Timberlake movie.

I imagine it will make a bunch of money from all the teenage girls in love with him, but I would save your money and wait for video (if you feel you absolutely have to see it).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up.

I know MG#2 does not like the Bourne series, but I thought they were great. Isn't there suppose to be a 3rd this year?

I bet MG#2 loves Timberlake.....

Movie Guy #1 said...

I think the Bourne movies are okay. They have always just seemed a little over-hyped to me. And I HATE how the action is so hard to follow - the camera is just too close and jerky during most fights.

Yeah, you're right. There is a new Bourne movie in production right now. Not sure on a release date though.

You are right about MG#2 too! You should see his Timberlake shrine. It is both impressive and creepy, especially the posters of JT half naked and wet hanging over his bed.

Anonymous said...

That would explain the "uncomfortable situation" that happened in my pool this summer.........

It is a lot of fun when he is not around to defend himself!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just got this month's issue of Rolling Stone (a worthless rag, but it is a long story). They said Timberlake was wonderful in a bad movie. They are looking forward to his next movie.

Does MG#2 moonlight for Rolling Stone?