The best part of the film is seeing different elements of yourself in the characters. The characters are incredibly realistic and believable. You could be the hot, career minded woman who slips up, has a one night stand with a loser, gets pregnant, and has no idea what to do with her life. Maybe you are an overweight, video game playing, internet porn surfing, slacker, who has no real idea what he wants to do with life. Or you could be the bitter married couple with kids who fight about everything after realizing the magic is gone, and having kids eliminates a lot of your "options".
Note: This film almost received a 4 out of 5 rating due to one horribly inappropriate scene. When the young woman does finally give birth, the "birthing" is shown in graphic detail. I guess the point was to illustrate the true nature of the event as viewed through the eyes of the over-whelmed father-to-be; either way it was very unnecessary. And I don't want to hear a bunch of crap from people about how beautiful and natural this "Miracle" is. It may be beautiful to you to watch your wife's vagina split open like an over-ripe melon, but not everyone wants to see it. Also, it's not much of a miracle at this point. I think some of the mystery has been effectively solved at this point. It was a miracle when little, sweet baby Jesus was concieved and born. "Miracles" don't happen 288,000 per day. (That's a real stat...look it up.)
Thanks for the review. I am looking forward to seeing this one. I just need a babysitter. When will you be in town?
Nothing freakin' beautiful about birth. Yuck. I was there for most of mine. The only good one was the one I passed out for. Stessful. Loud. People yelling at me. I can barley handle my own let alone watch somebody else. I damn near pass out when the wife watches "A Baby Story".
Birth is amazing, yes. Beautiful? Most definitely not.
It is amazing how much blood can spill from a uterus.
I do like the director Judd A. and his movies are really funny and have characters that are real... this one doesn't disapoint.
Movie Guy would you know how much blood spills from a uterus???
When are you and the wife coming to visit the girls???? I don't know if they even know who you are anymore!
Knocked-Up' was far better than I had hoped. I was not impress with the '40 Year-Old Virgin' or 'Superbad' which were crass and uninspiring.
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