300 (2 of 5): Okay, I think I am going to get a lot of grief for my stand on this movie, but here it goes:
300 is not that good.
I was ready to love this film, but by the end I found it to be mostly a disappointment.
300 is a fictional account of a real life Spartan battle.
Based upon Frank Miller’s graphic novel of the same name, it is the story of 300 Spartan warriors who hold off an invading Persian army of millions in the battle of
This movie is pure eye candy, and if you fit the target demographic for this film (18-24 yr old, male, videogame player, AmpTM drinker, bi-curious fraternity member) I am sure you loved it. However, for the rest of us, let’s be a little more critical. Sure, 300 provides some great action scenes of battle and manly hardcoreness, but I think little else. You likely know that this movie is extremely violent and highly stylized, and although the battle scenes are very creative and exciting to watch at first, they soon become monotonous and then downright tedious/boring after the 1000th slow-motion bloodletting with patented “splurch” sound effect. Trust me, two hours of slow motion giggling man-boobs gets really annoying. Did I mention this entire movie is in slow motion?! Think about that… Anyway, taken separately, the battle scenes are fun, exciting, visually awesome, and for the most part a pretty good time. Yet, taken as a whole, they are an exercise in patience.
Since this is getting too long, I will wrap it up. My other major complaints are that the film is filled with too much melodrama, clichés and an out of place political back story that feels tacked on. You are also told how great Sparta is about a million times over, so be ready for a brainwashing. In all honesty though, I do give a lot of credit to the movie on a technical level because its cinematography, f/x and production design are absolutely brilliant. Overall though, the film can’t be saved from being a shallow experience – one devoid of truly good story telling or characters to really care about.
Wow...bi-curious. That's awesome.
I think your spot on with many of your comments, after reading them I realized that this film DID contain everything you said, But without sounding like a...What did you call em?...bi-curious frat brother? I did like this movie, and think that it was orignal compared to the things that are out now...at least it's not yet another sequel/remake to a lame 70's tv show... The FX are very cool and to think that this whole film was made on a set!! I thought it needs at least 3.5 out of 5
I totally agree with you Maverick. Thank god the movie was original and interesting, not come cheese remake. Plus, the technical elements of the movie are astounding! Yes, all made on a set and in a hard-drive. I just wish they could have given us all that WITH a solid story and characters to care about.
Thanks for the comment!
I have to completely DISAGREE with my hubby on this one. I LOVED this movie. I thought it was awesome! Plus the man candy is extremely nice as well. I enjoyed all the violence and bloody battle scenes and all the nice "splurch" sounds. I will definitely see again.
Man candy...LOL...that is funny!
I enjoyed this movie so much that it exceeded all my expectations. This is one of the best movies that I would love to watch over again and again.
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