I caught some of Jay Leno last night and saw that Tom Arnold was at some movie festival giving away free swag to people who would do stupid things or answer silly questions. Well, one of the questions he asked a young lady was to name three movies in which he has acted. She couldn't think of one.
Ever so briefly, I considering how demoralizing that might have been to Tom... then, I laughed.
After laughing at his expense for awhile, my wife and I decided to play along by trying to actually come up with three movies in which Tom Arnold has acted, without consulting IMDB or other online sources. What we found out was that answering that question was a lot harder than you would think. I came up with True Lies pretty quick and my wife chimed in with Big Bully (how did she know that?). Beyond that, we were quickly stumped. I thought he was in some Christmas movie too, like Jingle All the Way; but my wife, confusing my genius for psychosis, insists I am crazy.
Now, I turn to you, oh faithful Tom Arnold fan(s) (you know who you are). Without cheating, can you think of any other movies he has been in? I think (and hope) you will find this task is harder than it sounds.
randy says:
I have 2 more non-cheating answers.
Mchale's Navy - They played this nonstop on comedy central and some other random cable networks a few years ago. ... maybe more like 7 years ago, i don't know.
The Stupids - this came on or my dad rented or something but ... it is one of a handful of movies that I was unable to sit through. There aren't many of those. I think the other two that come to mind are Shaquile O'Neal's "Kazaam" and the late great robert altman's "Dr. T and the Women". Anyways. Yeah. This is bad. I think. Maybe after the first 15 minutes it suddenly became lawrence of arabia. Yeah.
Oh! so you were the person that watched Kazaam! Can I have your autograph? :)
The Stupids is one that I have seen, but forgot about. I agree, it was beyond terrible. Maybe that's why I forgot about it...
The other I thought of is Austin Powers. He was the toilet cowboy!
Boy, we are doing frighteningly well for not cheating!
The only 2 I could remember was Austin Powers and True Lies.
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