Monday, February 19, 2007

Movie Review - The Proposition

The Proposition (3 of 5): Guy Peirce is the main character in this cowboy movie set during the British colonial occupation of Australia. He is the middle of three Irish brothers and has been given a proposition by the Captain of a local law authority - he must bring in his murderous/sociopathic older brother (dead or alive) within 9 days, or else his younger brother will be hanged.

This is a pretty well put together cowboy movie. It's tone is familiar of Unforgiven or some of the more recent "grittier" cowboy flicks that have come out within the last 10 years. The characters that were created really do a good job of making the movie interesting and driving the story. Also, this film does a great job of setting the mood. It feels like a genuine and accurate depiction of the time. Why just three stars then? Well, I guess nothing really stood out for me with this movie. Although there are some shocking moments of violence that grab the viewers attention, the story is just okay and the action sequences are sparse and short. Overall, it makes for a somewhat mediocre result.

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